WMRMC verifies your insurance coverage when you visit our facility. After performing services, the hospital will submit a claim to your insurance company as a courtesy. Patients may be responsible for a co-payment, deductible, and/or coinsurance for the service(s) provided. These balances are due at the time the services are rendered.

No Surprise Billings

In January 2014, Arizona law required certain licensed healthcare establishments and licensed healthcare providers post direct pay pricing via the Price Transparency requirement. In 2021, the direct pay prices for commonly used procedure codes and provider services had to be readily available on the website.

Accordingly, White Mountain Regional Medical Center is providing the information via this machine-readable Excel file.

For a billing estimate, please use our patient liability estimator (PLE) for the procedure.


No Surprise Act

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized a ruling on April 15, 2022, to institute regulations to protect patients from surprise medical billing. An in-depth overview of the No Surprise Act can be found on their website at https://www.cms.gov/nosurprises.

The No Surprise Act protects patients with individual health plans, insurance through an employer, or Health Insurance from Marketplaces from balance billing for designated services. These balance billing protections and additional details can all be found in the CMS Disclosure (PDF). For a Spanish version, Click Here. Patients without insurance can be provided a good-faith estimate for pre-scheduled appointments.